Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The End of 200 Day

What a great day.

It's midnight at the end of the 200th day away from the ALC. My teasers and '200 video' made their facebook splash, and people said some really great things. (and I am $245 into the game now!)

If I raise that amount for the next 199 days, I'll rake in $49,000! :)

The gracious James Ray of the ALC featured my video on the ALC wall and asked me if I'd be interested in being profiled in the December newsletter. I am really honored. The video was just something fun I put together, and iMovie made it look slicker than it really was.

All day I was brainstorming some creative ways to raise funds for this. I'd love to inspire people rather than harass them to contribute to this great cause that I myself have been so inspired by.

I feel like we're all inundated by so many charities and causes. I am just as guilty at thinking, "Wow...ANOTHER one?" when I see a form letter asking for donations.

I wanna be sensitive to that and make people want to contribute instead of feel obligated to.

One comment on the ALC wall today meant a lot to me. A guy named Jay said, "and again all I can say is AMAZING! (I still have money to raise and want to donate to Mark for that great it!)"

Pretty sweet, huh?

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