Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Day After...

Ya know...

I've been thinking.

I am not so sure I am up for this. Sure, yesterday it seemed like a great idea... people cheering and I hadn't even done anything yet. As a matter of fact, I was sitting in the same seat I was in the day where NEAR a bike.

Hell, I don't even HAVE a bike deal....I'll just let the fanfare die down... no one will notice.


No, the momentum ball is certainly rolling. I have people contacting me with ideas of where to get a bike, friends offering to loan me jerseys... bike riding buddies...all of it... it's amazing.

I just got a call to my VM a few minutes ago... this really nice sounding woman named Lisa called to welcome me.

"I am your new cyclist representative."

I have a representative!!!! :)

She told me of a bike buying clinic. I'll be there this Saturday.

This one decision to be a part of this is turning into a pretty huge thing. It certainly seems like a family. One that I am honored to be a part of.

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